Open Letter to Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs is a white supremacist movement. If you can't see that you still have your blinders on. Fuck you is my response to white charity. All your romantic rhetoric about blurred lines between the servers and the served quickly enters the wastebin of reality with every chapter formed. For all those FNB chapters that rely on dumpstered food, I flip a finger to all you white college kids and middle-class punks hiding in drop-out culture, get your fucking privilege out of my face. Did it ever cross your mind that people of color cannot do as you do? Did it cross your mind that dumpster diving is a practice that comes with risks for people of color you know nothing about? And quit fucking up the dumpsters. Some people rely on them for survival; and boo on you that I have to point this out, but they shouldn't be made to go to your once or twice a week "picnics" to get fed. Fuck corporations but fuck you too for controlling the underground food supply. White people, you're still stealing. |
All yall white "anarchists," claiming to fight oppression, should I come to see "anarchism" as your code word for an insistence on hiding privilege? Your cowardly lack of self-critique? Check yourself. You cling to your resources, power, and privilege and you crush my right to self-determination and self-liberation. Your constant craving for credit and your fixation on taking up space violate real people and real possibilities for meeting needs.
If you want to use your privilege and dumpster dive, fine, but respect that other people use those dumpsters too, people who may not share your experience of the practice and its risks; and if you really want to "help," once you've dumpstered or made arrangements with a food distro, give up that food and power over its distribution to the community and let people of color decide what happens to it. Accept no credit and be fucking reliable. Seriously yo.
Food Not Bombs should die. Only in a world where white supremacy is sustained and maintained is there room for FNB. Take your crust, your punk, and your supposed anarchism and shove it. You are no ally of mine.
To all those who feel even remotely as I do, we must join forces and resist. The so-called movement must no longer be defined and characterized on the terms of white supremacy. Resist!
My poc comrades, we can no longer wait for white "radicals," "anarchists," "progressives," etc. to show respect and stop taking up space. We must assert the power of our communities, our determination, our strength, our vision(s), and we must claim space for ourselves. No longer should white groups, convergences, conferences, gatherings, and movements go unchecked. We must unseat them from their comfort and unveil the oppressiveness they hide behind their nominal politics and rhetoric. To those white people who might claim to agree: I don't care what you claim. I doubt you'll ever be a consistent ally, but if you want me to consider you as such for even a second, remember this: the only true white ally is a race-traitor. That's right, if you can't walk the walk, shut the fuck up.
- Kilwaii aka KW (kay-dub)
queer, trans, autonomous, anti-authoritarian, anarchist, black, brown, and mad as hell.